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Now suppose we have two Logisim circuits that are supposed to do the same thing. As an instructor, you might have had students complete an assignment: You have one file containing your solution, but you have several student files containing their work. Maybe the assignment was to build a two-bit adder.
I'll imagine that we have two files, named adder-master.circ
and adder-query.circ. Each file contains a circuit named
2-bit adder
(it's important that the circuit to test be named exactly the same),
whose appearance is the following.
adder-master.circ adder-query.circ
As you can see, the master circuit uses Logisim's built-in adder, while the query circuit uses two subcircuits representing a half adder and a full adder (which themselves are built up of simple gates). For the purpose of our example, the query circuit has a stupid error: The carry from the half adder is not connected into the full adder.
We build our testing circuit into a different file. There, we load adder-master.circ as a Logisim Library (Project > Load Library > Logisim Library…), and we insert its 2-bit adder as a subcircuit. We could execute this circuit directly to get the desired output for a perfect solution.
java -jar logisim-filename.jar adder-test.circ -tty table
But we want to execute the circuit using adder-query.circ
rather than adder-master.circ as the loaded library.
The naive approach would be to open Logisim and load that library instead;
or you might simply remove the adder-master.circ file and rename
adder-query.circ to be named adder-master.circ instead.
But Logisim includes a handy -sub
option that temporarily replace
one file by another during that session — without making any changes on disk.
java -jar logisim-filename.jar adder-test.circ -tty table -sub adder-master.circ adder-query.circ
The output you would see from this is shown below; it is of course different from what we saw in the previous section since now it is executing using the erroneous adder-query.circ.
a b sum 00 00 000 00 01 001 00 10 010 00 11 011 01 00 001 01 01 000 01 10 011 01 11 010 10 00 010 10 01 011 10 10 100 10 11 101 11 00 011 11 01 010 11 10 101 11 11 100
Next: Other verification options.