ASCII encoding with escape code, data will be recorded byte by byte except for non-printable and non-standard characters. Characters outside the range 0x20 - 0x7E will be ignored. For characters of this type you must use the hexadecimal escape code \x... or one of the common codes \0 \a \b \t \n \v \f \r.
\0\0hello world\r\nGood morning!\r\n \xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\0\0\0\0
In the big-endian mode the memory is considered as a sequence of bytes regardless of the size of its words, with left to right the high bytes and then the low bytes. You can find illustrations in v3.0 hex bytes addressed big-endian
Ascii byte escape little-endian
This format is identical to the previous one with the same characteristics. In the little-endian mode, the memory is considered as a sequence of bytes with from right to left the least significant bits and then the most significant bits. You can find illustrations in v3.0 hex bytes addressed little-endian