The Window menu
- Minimize Ctrl-M
Minimizes (iconifies) the current window.
- Maximize (Zoom on MacOS)
Resizes the current window to its preferred size.
- Close Ctrl-W
Closes the current window.
- Combinational Analysis
Shows the current Combinational Analysis window, without changing any of its contents.
- Preferences
Shows the Application Preferences window.
- individual window titles
Brings the respective window to the front.
The Help menu
- Tutorial
Opens the help system to the "Beginner's Tutorial" section of the Guide to Being a Logisim User.
- User's Guide
Opens the help system to the Guide to Being a Logisim User.
- Library Reference
Opens the help system to the Library Reference.
- About...
Displays a window containing the version number, mixed among the splash screen graphics. (On MacOS, this menu item is under the Logisim menu.)
Next: User's Guide.