Command-line options

You can configure many of Logisim's application preferences via command line options. This can be particularly useful in a laboratory of single-student computers where you want Logisim to start up the same for students every time, regardless of how previous students may have configured the program.

The overall command-line syntax is as follows.

java -jar jarFileName [options] [filenames]

The optional additional files named on the command line will be opened as separate windows within Logisim.

The following example starts Logisim in its basic configuration.

java -jar jarFileName --user-template plain -gates ansi -locale en
usage: Logisim-evolution [-b <file>] [--clear-prefs] [-f <args>] [-g <shape>] [-h] [-l <file>] [-m <geometry>] [-n <args>] [--no-splash] [-o <lang>] [-s <args>] [-t <format>] [--toplevel-circuit <name>] [-u <arg>] [-v] [-w <args>]

Supported options include the following.

-u, --user-template [empty|plain|filename]

Configures the template for Logisim to use. Argument: "empty" for an empty template, "plain" for the default template, or the filename of the template to load.

-g, --gates [ansi|iec]

Configures which type de symbol to use for the gate.

-o, --locale LocaleIdentifier

Configures which translation to use. As of this writing, the supported locales include:

zh Chinese
en English
nl Dutch
fr French
de German
el Greek
it Italian
jp Japanese
pl Polisch
pt Portugais
ru Russian
es Spanish

Clear all application preferences at startup, so Logisim will act as if it were being executed on the host system for the first time.


Hides the initial Logisim splash screen.

-h, --help

Displays a summary of the command line options.

-v, --version

Displays the Logisim version number and exit.

-l, --load filename

Load image file into RAM (works only with -tty)

-s, --substitute file1 file2

load the file by replacing the library file (file1) with the library file (file2). More information in Substituting libraries

-t, --tty [table|speed|tty|halt|stats|binary|hex|csv|tabs]

Run without GUI. More information in Other verification

-w, --test-vector circuitname vectorfile projectfile

Run the circuitname tests in projectfile based on vectors in vectorfile. More information in Window Text Vector

-m, --geometry [widthxheight|widthxheight+X+Y]

Opens Logisim with a window dimensioned according to the parameters W (width) and H (height) or with the upper left corner positioned according to the parameters X,Y.
Example: -m 600x400+100+100

-n, --new-file-format circ_input circ_output

Open a .circ file of any version (circ_input) of Logisim and write a new one (circ_output) in the current format used in Logisim-evolution.

-b, --test-circuit file path_to_circ

Open up a circ file and start the test bench within it. It returns Success or fail.

-f, --test-fpga circ_input circ_name board [tick frequency] [HDLONLY]

Test implementations design using circ_input file. The implementation circuit_name is the circuit choose to implement(FPGA_Top) and the board is the board name located in resources/logisim/boards/ without the ".xml" extension. The optional tick frequency is in Hz. The optional switch HDLONLY will only generate the HDL-description and will not perform synthesis, P&R, and Download. Arguments: <circ_input> <circuit_name> <board> [tick frequency] [HDLONLY]

Next: User's Guide.