######### Floating Point Adder

Library: Arithmetic
Introduced: 3.5
Appearance: #########


This component adds two floating-point values arriving via the west inputs and outputs the sum on the east output.
If the input data contains undefined(U), error (E) signals or la valeur NaN, it will output the value NaN and a 1 at the error output in the south.


West edge, north end:
Input: One of the two vfloating-point values to add. Bit width matches the Data Float size attribute.
West edge, south end:
Input: The other of the two floating-point values to add. Bit width matches the Data Float size attribute.
East edge:
Output: The sum of the two inputs. Bit width matches the Data Float size attribute.
South edge:
OutPut: Error, set to 1 if the adder receives an error (E) or undefined (U) signal or the floating-point values NaN


When the component is selected or being added, Alt-0 throught Alt-9 alter its Float size attribute. Only 32 or 64bits

Float size
The bit width of the floating-point values to be added and of the result. Only 32 or 64 bits

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