######### Floating Point to Integer

Library: Arithmetic
Introduced: 3.5
Appearance: #########


This component returns an integer value on the east output, which corresponds to the floating-poin value, rounded to the nearest whole number, it receives on the west input.
It has an error output in the south, which is set to 1 if the component receives an error(E) or undefined(U) signal or the floating-point values NaNf


West edge:
Input: Enter floating-point values to be converted. Bit width matches the Data Float size attribute.
East edge:
Output: Integer value corresponding to the value of the input, rounded to the nearest whole number or receives the Data Bits low-weight bit of the conversion result. Is 0 if there is an error. Bit width matches the Data Data Bits attribute.
South edge:
OutPut: Error Set to 1 if the component receives an error (E) or undefined (U) signal or the floating-point values NaNf


When the component is selected or being added, Alt-0 throught Alt-9 alter its Float size attribute. Only 32 or 64bits

Data Bits
The bit width of the integer values.
Float size
The bit width of the floating-point values. Only 32 or 64 bits

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