######### Rgb Video

Library: Input/Output
Introduced: 3.2.0
Appearance: #########


This element simulates a color display up to 2 to 256 pixels wide. On a bus to the south, it receives the color information that will be applied to the pixel, addressed by two buses carrying position information, at the rising edge of the clock.

When the simulation is initialized, the screen is colored yellow. The reset signal clears the screen and it will be black.

The Color Model attribute offers several color schemes, RGB 15,16,24 bits, palette selection schemes such as Xterm16 or 256, and a grayscale display. This will determine the bit width of the data input.


The pines are to the south and presented in order from east to west.

First from left
Input: Reset - If 1, clears the entire screen. Data width in bit 1.
Second with a triangle
Input: Clock - On the rising edge, the addressed pixel is updated in accordance with the color and position information. Data width in bit 1.
Input: Write Enable - If 1, clock input triggers pixel update. Data width in bit 1.
Input: X coordinate - Unsigned numerical value specifying the x coordinate (horisontal) of the pixel to be processed. Value 0 is the easternmost (left) pixel. Data width in bits as a function of the Width attribute
Input: Y coordinate - Unsigned numerical value specifying the y (vertical) coordinate of the pixel to be processed. Value 0 is the northernmost (top) pixel. Data width in bits according to the Height attribute.
The last one on the right
Input: Data - Defines the color of the pixel to be processed according to the rules of the Color Model attribute.


If a cursor is visible on the screen.
Reset Behavior
Whether the reset signal is synchronous with the clock or not.
Color Model
The data model of the color data bus (3x5bits, 3x8bits...).
Width in pixels
Screen width in pixels.
Screen height in pixels.
Determines the magnification factor.

Poke Tool Behavior


Text Tool Behavior


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