######### ######### Power / Grounde

Library: Wiring
Introduced: 2.7.0
######### #########


Emits a single logical value onto a wire. For the power element,(#########) indicated by a triangle , this value will be 1 (or, if the Data Bits attribute is greater than 1, an all-1's value). For a ground element,(#########) indicated by an arrow of three decreasing-length, horizontal lines, this value will be 0 (or, if the Data Bits attribute is more than 1, an all-0's value).

The same functionality can be achieved by using the more versatile Constant component. The only reason to prefer ground and power is that they are commonly-used electronic symbols.


Each component has only one pin, an output whose bit-width matches the Data Bits attribute. The component constantly outputs the same value on this pin: for a ground component, the output is an all-0 value, and for a power component, the output is an all-1 value.


When the component is selected or being added, Alt-0 through Alt-9 alter its Data Bits attribute. Quick use of the keys allows the entry of larger values for example ALT-1 ALT-2 gives 12. The arrow keys alter its Facing attribute.

The direction of the point of the component's arrow, opposite from the location of its pin.
Data Bits
The bit width of the value placed onto the wire.

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